## SimplifyTools Commands You can use the following commands to use the features of SimplifyTools. - **/st**: The main SimplifyTools command.
Requires `st.st` - **/st help**: Displays all SimplifyTools related commands.
Requires `st.help` - **/st ping**: Displays your ping to the current server.
Requires `st.ping` - **/st stats**: Displays your gameplay statistics.
Requires `st.stats` - **/st save-all**: Saves the players, worlds data on the server.
Requires `st.save` - **/st pmanager** : A built-in plugin manager.
Requires `st.pmanager.*` - **/st pmanager load** : Plugin loading.
Requires `st.pmanager.load (can be inherited from st.pmanager.*)` - **/st pmanager unload** : Plugin unload.
Requires `st.pmanager.unload (can be inherited from st.pmanager.*)` - **/st reload**: Plugin settings reload.
Requires `st.reload` ## SimplifyTools Wildcard Permissions - **st.*** - Wildcard permission for all commands, permissions for this plugin. - **st.pmanager.*** - Wildcard permission for the plugin manager commands. - **st.admin** - A wildcard permission for admins. This is used for notify when update available, also grants usage for `st.save` and `st.pmanager.*`